This how students reacted:
Thank you for informing us about social bots. We watched your video and presentation and we understood what social bots are. We had never heard of social bots before and we were surprised to hear about what they can do. We didn't know how they worked and we are amazed that they are in the same social media that we use. - Dorothea
Social bots are robots programmed to do a certain task.We knew about them before. Social bots usually give a like to other people posts, they make fake accounts and follow other profiles (politicians e.t.c). Also,they write texts that can manipulate your decisions. Furthermore,they intergrate in our society and try to act like normal people...however they are not. As a result,they can be very dangerous since they take advantage of and influence our actions but sometimes they can be very usefull. - Despoina, Iwanna, Pantelhs
We haven't heard about social bots. We are impressed about the fact that bots are in Twitter and Youtube and that they are viewing more and more videos so that they become viral or the fact that they are responding to our tweets. They affect us in many ways. They make us think that some things are in fashion. We are kind of worried about the future with social bots. - Maria, Elena, Alexandros, Kostas
First of all we had never heard anything for social bots before. Social bots impressed us because we had never thought that there could be robots who are programmed to act like real humans behind some accounts. They can affect us in our lives without even knowning because they can see a lot of times one video so it will become viral and other people will see it too out of curiosity. They can also affect oyr opinion by applying posts and they overload the websites so nobody can use them. We are very worried about the future because technology is constantly progressing so there will come a time that we will not know whether we should speak with people on the website or not because we will not know if they are real or they are robots. - Eleni, Vasiliki, Eleni
Honestly, I didn’t know that something like this exists. These days we can hardly imagine a world without social media, but as it is already known, there isn’t always a human on the other side of the screen and it isn’t easy to identify it. It’s disappointing that people use artificial intelligence for making popular accounts on social media. For me it’s too much. I have mixed feelings about the evolution of technology and I am seriously thinking if I still want to use social media, because it will only get worse. I’m against social bots. - Marzena
I’ve heard about social bots before. As far as I know, these are the forms of disruptive intervention in opinion-making processes. They have significant public and political impact. In my opinion, bots and other related influencers can facilitate making a topic appear greater than it actually is. Actually it’s not only social bots which can be dangerous, but also the reaction to them. The fact, for example, that the government would contemplate adopting censorship-like measures is concerning. - Anna
I haven't heard about social bots before or maybe I just don't remember. Thanks to the presenation I know much more about them and it raised my awareness how technology can be hazardous. In my opinion the technology has gone too far. Robot acting like human is an impressive invention but I think that our world is developed enough and people don't need more advanced gadgets. Instead of making useless robots or artificial intelligence people should save the environment and care about the Earth. The technology can make in the future some vengeance and I think that social medias should only be used by people. - Adam
Nowadays the problem of social bots is one of the fastest-growing in the world of technology. I have heard something about them before but really a little. In my opinion people still don't realise how using a lot of social media be harmful and dangerous. These days we are not sure who we really chatting with on social networks or if sharing any information in the virtual world will be use against us. In my opinion technological development is going in the wrong direction. Everybody should raise awareness about social media and remeber that any kind of robots and artificial intelligence can replace a human. - Wiktoria